Every day is a time for prayer. Check out verses like Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 26:41, and Matthew 6:9–13, and you’ll notice that even the Bible says your prayer matters.

You can never run out of things to pray for, but maybe you would like a few prompts to get you started. If that’s you, then read on.

1. Your Immediate Family

Believe it or not, even the people you are close to need your prayer. Your siblings, parents, and maybe even pets could use your prayers.

2. Your Extended Family

Whether your family lives next door or hours away, your cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles could use your prayer every now and again.

3. Your Church Family

Your church relies on powerful prayer and faithful people—something you can help with!

4. Your Church Leaders

Leaders need so much encouragement, wisdom, and prayer—and if you’re a humble leader, you know this to be true better than anyone. Who better to care for your leaders than you?

5. Nearby Churches

The church you regularly attend can sometimes experience some brand loyalty. But it’s important to remember that the other churches in your area need the same spiritual revival as yours.

6. Your Friends

From acquaintances to BFFs, your friends also endure ups and downs. You can be an encourager, an accountability partner, and a prayer warrior on their behalf.

7. Your Long-Distance or Social Media Relationships

It’s tough to “be there” for a person when you’re not there for them. So whether you’re social media pals, pen-pals, or friends who moved away from one another, you can pray—they’re living an entire life you can’t see from your side of the screen.

8. Yourself

No, praying for yourself is not selfish or unkind. Instead, it can be vital—praying that you’ll be a person of integrity, heart, and courage; praying that you’ll be bold enough to share the Gospel; praying for the needs in your life no one but God can meet. It defeats the burdens you’re carrying and shatters the belief that you’re alone. Yes, you can pray for yourself. Even Jesus did (John 17)!

9. Your Country and the People in It

Cultures and livelihood depend on being a united country. Pray that the leaders and the people in it will unite under Christ.

10. Your Government

Again, your leaders carry a heavy burden. Many don’t take it seriously, while others crack under the pressure. Like David or Solomon, they should be good leaders, close to God, and wise.

11. Our Society

Our society is limping. Rebellion, bitterness, and selfishness crippled us. By now, I think you know exactly how we should react: prayer.

12. Missionaries

Does your church or family financially support an overseas missionary? That’s great—but they also need your prayer. Even if it’s impossible to be with a missionary, be that extra prayer warrior.

13. Ministries

Volunteering can help the ministries in your area and beyond, but real ministries rely on constant faith in God. Show it through your prayer.

14. Influencers

Actors, YouTube stars, and the popular kid in your youth group all need prayer like anyone else. In a way, they’re leaders—but some need help figuring out how to do that in the best way possible. They’re in an awesome position to shine the light of Christ—or hide it.

15. Community Servants

From police officers to grocery store cashiers, the people who help out in your community lead personal lives. Praying for these strangers is a great way to develop empathy for people you see in passing.

16. Morals and Truth

We live in a fallen world, and until the day we meet Jesus, we will be in a constant battle against haters of truth, holiness, and integrity. Get on your knees and fight back.

17. Spread of Gospel, Boldness, Revival

While you go out to evangelize in your community and to the nations, be in prayer for the hearts of the unbelievers. Also, pray for more workers in the field.

18. Physical Healing

From colds to cancer, physical ailments find us all. Pray that all of it will glorify God.

19. Enemies

Hurt people hurt people, and the same is probably true for your infamous enemies. Instead of harboring bitterness towards your enemies, love them through prayer (Matthew 5:44).

Praying isn’t that hard, but it can be heavy work. Everyone you meet needs prayer.

Start praying for the needs listed above. And remember, in all things, make sure you glorify Christ.


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