You’ve been there before, or maybe you’re there now: trapped in an overwhelming cycle of stress, craziness, and a packed schedule.
The Bible reminds us to cast all our anxiety on Him who loves us (1 Peter 5:7), not to worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34), and to remember that He cares for even little birds (Matthew 6:26). What other truths should we remember?
1. It’s Okay to Take a Break
Rest is critical for everyone. God, who spoke the universe into existence and took the weight of sin on His shoulders, rested after creation (Genesis 2:2–3). When the Israelites didn’t let their land rest, God pushed them out for seventy years (2 Chronicles 36:21). For us, constant motion seems to fill every waking hour.
Taking a break can feel impossible while you’re finishing school, starting your first job, or applying to college. Friends and family need you. You don’t have time to take a break—a real break, at least.
Is this mic on? Because I need you to hear me.
You can take a break.
Maybe not from everything. Maybe not from your family or job.
But maybe from social media, a problematic relationship, or fill-in-the-blank yourself. Take a break to sleep, go on a nature walk, call a friend, or study the Scriptures.
Work is great (Proverbs 13:11, Proverbs 12:24) and it’s even better when it’s for a purpose and you do it without complaining. But breaks are also biblical.
2. It’s Out of Your Hands
Sometimes, we’re doomed to the busyness. There’s not much you can say no to, and you’re “forced” to stay busy all the time.
Then there are the times when you’re anxious about a future you haven’t reached yet and can’t do anything about.
As scary as it is to admit, sometimes life is out of our hands.
The Bible says that faith as small as a mustard seed moves mountains (Matthew 17:20). God is powerful. He can change your overwhelming situation and your heart. Nothing is impossible for Him. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” is an amazing Bible verse reminding us that God is in control and you don’t have to worry.
If you’re like any normal human being, you’re probably still going to worry. We expect everything to be under our control, but it’s not. Sure, we can do a few things to change our situation, but He’s the ultimate situation-changer.
Just don’t forget that through whatever season, He’s shaping you up to be a masterpiece.
3. You’re Not Helpless
Today is the perfect day to take a few actionable steps.
As often as I say this, you should know by now: Prayer is power.
Prioritizing sounds like a bigger monster than it is. It’s not merely saying no to things, but it’s saying no to less important things so you can say yes to the best things.
How you prioritize is all up to you. To help out, you can even make a physical list and rate each activity, then cross off the things at the bottom.
Saying “no” might hurt, but saying “yes” is worth it.
You can take a few steps to improve your productivity by reducing distractions, setting timers, and finding motivation.
4. It Won’t Always Be This Way
This season in your life is ultra-crazy, and that’s okay. In a few weeks, months, or years it won’t be the same as it is now.
Today, run the race He set for you, push your hardest, and take your much-needed breaks. Someday, you’ll be able to see the payoff. Today, Jesus is working all things together for your good so that someday you’ll be blessed.
5. Give Thanks
Every situation has its highlights. Even if the experience feels more like a punishment than a blessing, you can still praise God!
Sometimes we struggle to understand why something happens until a few years down the road when we can look back and see the perfectly orchestrated way God planned things. So keep thanking Him for the blessings, even if you can’t see them yet.
Even in this crazy season, God is fine-tuning you. He could be making you more patient, loving, or kind. Maybe He’s showing you all the things He can do.
No matter the season, He’s still there for you and He still cares.
So remember to pray, give thanks, do what you can to help the situation, and take the breaks you need.
What are some things you try to remember in the stressful seasons?
Lydianne · July 1, 2023 at 9:39 pm
This post was super encouraging to me as I’ve been so stressed with college and summer things lately. Especially the part about taking a breath– definitely something I forget is important. Thanks for another great post, friend!
Alyssa B. · July 5, 2023 at 3:50 pm
I’m so glad it encouraged you, Lydianne! <3 Thank you for reading!